IPA: sˈoʊsioʊbiˈɑɫʌdʒɪst
- A biologist whose speciality is sociobiology
Examples of "sociobiologist" in Sentences
- I am inclined to do the same for the Harvard ant specialist and sociobiologist Edward O. Wilson.
- In a fascinating new book, The Watchman's Rattle, sociobiologist Rebecca Costa, offers us another angle on hope.
- That is the message of the sociobiologist and that is the message of God, both paths leading to one conclusion: Al Tirah, Fear Not.
- Costa is a sociobiologist and author, and her book is a fascinating look at how increased complexity "quickly outpaces the rate at which the human brain can develop new capabilities."
- My concern here is the use and abuse of evolution in biology and a recent review by science journalist Nicholas Wade of the New York Times, the review an essay about a new book by the British ethologist and biologist and sociobiologist Richard Dawkins.