IPA: soʊsiˈɑɫɪŋgwˈɪstɪk
- Pertaining to sociolinguistics.
Examples of "sociolinguistic" in Sentences
- Am I following some sociolinguistic rules in an unconscious way?
- Each is important for understanding the mosaic of sociolinguistic complexity that characterized these societies over the long haul.
- In a certain respect, the concept of intertextuality overlaps with the notion of sociolinguistic code in its application to narrative.
- In the entry on gender in An A-Z of ELT I deal solely with linguistic gender (as in pronoun marking) and ignore these sociolinguistic issues.
- Is there any sociolinguistic history whatsoever for a concept of including the negative numbers but excluding zero from the concept of “numbers?”
- The sociolinguistic situation of Arabic in modern times provides a prime example of the linguistic phenomenon of diglossia, which is the normal use of two separate varieties of the same language, usually in different social situations.
- I mean, it's not like it adds much new interpretation to the dataset; like he says 'wobei das Suffix noch unklar ist', but given the weird association of Palaic with the Hattic Ritual texts (as far as we're able to tell, anyway), that might have something to help your argument there if you want some sociolinguistic reason (e.g. some possible cult connection).
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