
IPA: sˈoʊkʌɫ


  • (architecture) A low plinth or pedestal used to display a statue or other artwork.
  • (architecture) A plain face or plinth at the foot of a wall.
  • (algebra, ring theory) The sum of the minimal normal submodules of a given R-module of a given ring R.
  • (group theory) The subgroup generated by the minimal normal subgroups of a given group.

Examples of "socle" in Sentences

  • Only one small fragment of the southern upper molding of the socle is missing.
  • The removal of temporary scaffolding allowed us to take photographs of this very impressive socle and enhanced the beauty of the whole structure.
  • The socle will be dismantled again, but toward the end of the week we have started to put the infill in (mortared rubble) at the level of the dancing girls frieze.
  • Et puis je dois avouer que le voir tenir debout tout seul sans socle c un bonheur ... et vu la carrure et la posture ya du avoir de la galere pour trouver le point d'equilibre!
  • The whole socle (lower wall), to which the famous frieze of the dancing girls belonged, now has been completed up to the level below the platform of the temple-like structure above it.
  • The east side of the Northwest Heroon after the removal of the temporary scaffolding, the south side up to the level below the stylobate of the upper naiskos, and the west side of the socle up to the stylobate
  • The latter area yielded only few sherds, but a number of structures were observed, which are built in the same "primitive" style as those recorded at Düzen (no mortar, rough fieldstone socle, no tiles or brick).
  • They originally must have occupied a continuous socle elevating them even more than their mere size already did, in the central space of the complex, where we found the six-meter long dedicatory inscription of A.D.
  • Do you know, however, 'continued he musingly,' that at Sparta (which is now Palaeochori) -- at Sparta, I say, to the west of the citadel, among a chaos of scarcely visible ruins, is a kind of socle, upon which are still legible the letters.
  • Do you know, however, "continued he musingly —" that at Sparta (which is now Palæochori), at Sparta, I say, to the west of the citadel, among a chaos of scarcely visible ruins, is a kind of socle upon which are still legible the letters ΛΑΞΜ.

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