
IPA: sˈɔɪɫ


  • (uncountable) A mixture of mineral particles and organic material, used to support plant growth.
  • (uncountable) The unconsolidated mineral or organic material on the immediate surface of the earth that serves as a natural medium for the growth of land plants.
  • (uncountable) The unconsolidated mineral or organic matter on the surface of the earth that has been subjected to and shows effects of genetic and environmental factors of: climate (including water and temperature effects), and macro- and microorganisms, conditioned by relief, acting on parent material over a period of time. A product-soil differs from the material from which it is derived in many physical, chemical, biological, and morphological properties and characteristics.
  • Country or territory.
  • That which soils or pollutes; a stain.
  • A marshy or miry place to which a hunted boar resorts for refuge; hence, a wet place, stream, or tract of water, sought for by other game, as deer.
  • Dung; compost; manure.
  • (uncountable, euphemistic) Faeces or urine etc. when found on clothes.
  • (countable, medicine) A bag containing soiled items.
  • A wet or marshy place in which a boar or other such game seeks refuge when hunted.


  • (transitive) To make dirty.
  • (intransitive) To become dirty or soiled.
  • (transitive, figurative) To stain or mar, as with infamy or disgrace; to tarnish; to sully.
  • (reflexive) To dirty one's clothing by accidentally defecating while clothed.
  • To make invalid, to ruin.
  • To enrich with soil or muck; to manure.
  • To feed, as cattle or horses, in the barn or an enclosure, with fresh grass or green food cut for them, instead of sending them out to pasture; hence (due to such food having the effect of purging them) to purge by feeding on green food.

Examples of "soil" in Sentences

  • When soil is formed largely of clay we speak of it as a _heavy soil_.
  • The soil that is found resting on the rocks from which it was formed is known as _residual soil_.
  • When the disintegrated rock consists of quite large particles, the soil is called a _gravel soil_.
  • The part of the soil which the water carried away to form the rich valley lands and deltas is known as _alluvial soil_.
  • The unit of soil classification is the _soil type_, which is a soil having agricultural unity, as determined by texture, chemical character, topography, and climate.
  • Those guys will clear out all the lead and heavy metals in soil in a year or two … you have to burn them at harvest, but in a few years the soil is more or less pure.
  • Never forget that the most sacred right in the world is the right to the soil which a man wishes to till himself, and the most sacred sacrifice is the blood which he spills for this soil_. [
  • The term soil organic matter (SOM) is used to describe the organic constituents in the soil (tissues from dead plants and animals, products produced as these decompose and the soil microbial biomass).
  • It was quite clear that the plants as they died would _decay in very wet soil_, and so the conditions are very different from those we have just been studying where the plants _decay in soil that is only moist_.
  • With this simple statement in view, we are quite prepared to consider the various conditions of soil, for the purpose of determining how far these will influence the future prospects of the crop, and we shall accordingly at once proceed to examine carefully into the _mechanical relations of the soil_.

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