
IPA: sˈoʊɫdʒɝɫi


  • Appropriate to, or in the way of, a soldier.


  • In the manner of a soldier.

Examples of "soldierly" in Sentences

  • Even his first wedding, in 1972, is a celebration of soldierly solidarity.
  • But I felt a kind of soldierly duty to somehow carry on in the face of hippie lassitude and hash torpor.
  • Others over the years have ranged from people gilding the soldierly lily to authors purporting to have been Holocaust survivors.
  • He was reclining; if he had arisen he would have displayed a frame at once to be called soldierly, though spare and hardly powerful.
  • "Very well, sir," -- and his tone was rough and overbearing, -- "then kindly recall your soldierly instincts to another little matter.
  • Russell Braun was properly aggressive as Valentin; his baritone had a soldierly roughness rather than lyricism, and his duel to the death with Faust was elegantly executed.
  • "I am proud and grateful that our young men and women have the kind of soldierly courage to turn a bad day for themselves into a better future for those who need their help."
  • They were as brave as any men who ever carried rifles, but they were so ignorant of drill that they could not even form into column or wheel to right or left in soldierly fashion.
  • There is in the laager an utter absence of what we term soldierly discipline; men moved about, went and came in a free and easy fashion, just as I have seen them do a thousand times in diggers 'camps.
  • In 597 B.C., after his victory over Tsin, the King of Ts'u had, as previously narrated, declined to rear a barrow over the corpses slain, and had said: "No! the written or pictograph character for 'soldierly' is made up of two parts, one signifying 'stop,' and the other 'weapons.'"

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