IPA: sˈoʊɫdʒɝʃɪp
- The state of being a soldier.
- The qualities of a soldier, or those becoming a soldier.
Examples of "soldiership" in Sentences
- It was impossible that soldiership could be on a more stately scale.
- Against all the misfortunes of the day this piece of resolution and true soldiership stands out in noble relief.
- Homosexual practice would render any person ineligible for full membership (soldiership) in the [Salvation] Army.
- Why, sir, did I say you were an honest man? setting my knighthood and my soldiership aside, I had lied in my throat, if I had said so.
- The occupations here are male: courtship of women, soldiership, profession, respectability of a judicial appointment, ownership of property.
- I pray you, sir, then set your knighthood and our soldiership aside; and give me leave to tell you, you lie in your throat, if you say I am any other than an honest man.
- Some of them, indeed, by their services in the Low Countries and on other fields of European warfare, had fairly won their title to assume the name and pomp of soldiership.
- And the good Pope in ` The Ring and the Book ', alluding to the absence of true Christian soldiership, which is revealed by Pompilia's case, says: "Is it not this ignoble CONFIDENCE, cowardly hardihood, that dulls and damps, makes the old heroism impossible?
- English tragedians; to belie him, I will not, and more of his soldiership I know not; except, in that country he had the honour to be the officer at a place there called Mile-end, to instruct for the doubling of files: I would do the man what honour I can, but of this I am not certain.
- Iago's scorn for Cassio's inexperience in the field ( 'Mere prattle without practice/Is all his soldiership') and his cynical impatience with the system of favouritism in which, as he sees it, one must flatter those in power to get ahead are his ostensible reasons for being angry at having been passed over for promotion.