IPA: sʌɫˈɛmnʌs
- Obsolete form of solemnness. [The state or quality of being solemn.]
Examples of "solemness" in Sentences
- The other older children when they were singing "We are the World" went from the solemness (ph) to the joyfulness.
- The darkness, the grief of the angels and the spent posture of Jesus' body all remind me of the solemness of what that moment must have been like.
- This experience gave me a newfound appreciation for the solemness of Yom Kippur, yet the luxury of youthful innocence still kept me from really feeling the need to atone or forgive.
- Thus sweetly did he palliate the woes, which the generosity of his actions, mixed with the solemness of the occasion, and the strange request he had vouchsafed to make me, had occasioned.
- Obama reflected on Kennedy's presence at the passage of the Voting Rights Act and suggested that while the event was celebratory, concern for the senator necessarily cast an element of solemness to events.
- Obama reflected on Kennedy\'s presence at the passage of the Voting Rights Act and suggested that while the event was celebratory, concern for the senator necessarily cast an element of solemness to events. '
- He found means to slide a letter into my hands, and is gone away: He looked at me with such respect and solemness at parting, that Mrs. Jewkes said, Why, madam, I believe our young parson is half in love with you. —