IPA: sʌɫˈɪsɪt
- (archaic) solicitation
- (transitive) To persistently endeavor to obtain an object, or bring about an event.
- (transitive) To woo; to court.
- (transitive) To persuade or incite one to commit some act, especially illegal or sexual behavior.
- (transitive) To offer to perform sexual activity, especially when for a payment.
- To make a petition.
- (archaic, transitive) To disturb or trouble; to harass.
- (transitive) To urge the claims of; to plead; to act as solicitor for or with reference to.
- (obsolete, rare, transitive) To disturb; to disquiet.
Examples of "solicit" in Sentences
- If you want to hold true to what the solicit is referring.
- There's a technical definition of the term solicit; and the question is whether or not being in a fundraising dinner committee counts as soliciting.
- - Mexicans by birth which another country can consider as their nationals, are able to solicit from the SRE a Certificate of Mexican Nationality, only for effects of article 16.
- Good/bad, male/female, and because of the solicit is suggesting once again "testosterone", I'm thinking the obvious choice gender wise, is the complete opposite which is the "estrogen."