
IPA: sˈɑɫʌdɫi


  • In a solid or firm manner.

Examples of "solidly" in Sentences

  • Even in solidly red states, such as South Dakota, the support for total criminalization is weak.
  • Plus Obama beats McCain solidly with independents, and Hillary loses to McCain with independents.
  • Since they overwhelmingly concentrate in solidly Democrat pro-welfare state districts, even illegal immigrants help expand the political strength of the left.
  • NEW YORK — Gold futures hit a record above $1,350 overnight and remained in solidly positive territory as participants continued to buy the metal as a hedge against currency devaluations.
  • A combination of political inertia and the package of prejudice, fossilized religion and misogyny known as social conservatism remain solidly in the way of full reproductive choice for Canadian women.
  • It's heard on both the TV and radio solidly from the time the first green tips of asparagus and pink stalks of rhubarb crawl out from their hiding places in the Spring until the last dregs of the zucchini and apples die off in late October.

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