
IPA: sʌɫˈɪpsɪzʌm


  • (philosophy) The idea that the self is all that exists or that can be proven to exist.
  • Self-absorption, an unawareness of the views or needs of others; self-centeredness; egoism.

Examples of "solipsism" in Sentences

  • It's like insisting that solipsism is a valid philosophy.
  • But that kind of childish solipsism is part of what makes America so gosh-darn unique!
  • A beautiful counterpoint to his fantastic solipsism is the appalling verbosity of his manservant, Mash Qasem.
  • No, solipsism is only a valid philosophy if you hold to some implicit individualism, some sort of philosophical anarchism.
  • The definition of solipsism that you cite brings the red herring of a notion of “the self”; more in harmony with the traditional use of that word in the Oxford Dictionary of Philosophy ’s definition.
  • I liked Cowl insofar I like 2 way time travel SF (my least favorite subgenre because it falls so easily in solipsism - boom, the hero moved through time and a new universe appeared/dissapeared), but N. Asher has so many better books, Cowl is the weakest by far.

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