
IPA: sɑɫʌtˈɛr


  • A person who lives alone; a recluse or hermit.
  • A game for one person, played on a board with pegs or balls, in which the object is, beginning with all the places filled except one, to remove all but one of the pieces by "jumping", as in draughts.
  • (chiefly US) Any of various card games that can be played by one person. Called patience in the rest of the world.
  • An extinct bird, related to the dodo, Pezophaps solitaria Rodrigues solitaire), that lived on the island of Rodrigues.
  • An extinct bird formerly believed to be related to the dodo, more precisely Réunion solitaire, Raphus solitarius, now preferably Réunion ibis, Threskiornis solitarius.
  • One of several American species of bird in the genus Myadestes in the thrush family.
  • A single gem, usually a diamond, mounted in a piece of jewellery by itself.
  • (obsolete) A black neck ribbon worn with a bag wig in the 18th century.


  • living or being alone; solitary

Examples of "solitaire" in Sentences

  • After three full years in solitaire Fecteau was given reading material for the first time.
  • 'The LULL) s were housed in solitaire in the Bldg 0, together with the four 0-6 prisoners (each in solitaire).
  • These cells were high priority for the NVN because they afforded them the opportunity to keep prisoners in solitaire.
  • Following the crap game there is usually a season of devotion to a kind of solitaire which is played with shells on a circular board, scooped out into a series of little cup-like depressions.
  • Besotted Clive popped the question in February - and then promptly whisked his new fiancee to exclusive jewellers Aspreys, where he bought the gleaming solitaire, which is flanked by six diamonds.
  • LULUs were later moved from prison to prison, sometimes each in solitaire and sometimes sharing cells but never, ever with other American prisoners known to have been captured in other than in Laos.
  • "The Notting Hill Mystery," according to The London Review, was "a carefully prepared chaos, in which the reader, as in the game called solitaire, is compelled to pick out his own way to the elucidation of the proposed puzzle."
  • We are tempted to figure the author of "The Grave" as a morose and melancholy 'solitaire' -- musing amid midnight churchyards -- stumbling over bones -- and returning home to light his lamp, inserted in a gaping skull, and to write out his gloomy cogitations.
  • Once more I saw the evening star hanging like a solitaire from the pure front of the western firmament; and the after glow transfiguring and transforming, as by magic, the homely and rugged features of the scene into a fairy land lit with a light which never shines on other soils or seas.
  • And it used to be the great amusement of the sailors to look in through the pane of glass, when they stood at the wheel, and watch the proceedings in the cabin; especially when the steward was setting the table for dinner, or the captain was lounging over a decanter of wine on a little mahogany stand, or playing the game called solitaire, at cards, of an evening; for at times he was all alone with his dignity; though, as will ere long be shown, he generally had one pleasant companion, whose society he did not dislike.

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