IPA: sˈɑɫjʌbˈɪɫɪti
- The condition of being soluble.
- (chemistry) The amount of a substance that will dissolve in a given amount of a solvent, to give a saturated solution, under specified conditions.
Examples of "solubility" in Sentences
- In effect, by lining up the test-tubes, he could make the dancing flies form a sort of living graph of solubility versus activity.
- Which form is chosen for a specific application depends on desired characteristics such as solubility, volatility, and melting point.
- In the complex matrix that is wine, alcohol solubilizes more than polyphenols – it enhances the solubility of all sorts of aromatic (and otherwise water-hating) smelly compounds.
- * CX1942: a unique AMPAKINE pro-drug with enhanced water solubility which is approximately 5-6 times as potent as CX717 and has potential in both i.v. and oral respiratory depression applications and sleep apnea.
- -- CX1942: a unique AMPAKINE pro-drug with enhanced water solubility which is approximately 5-6 times as potent as CX717 and has potential in both i.v. and oral respiratory depression applications and sleep apnea.
- "The relative amounts of ligation products observed with different cyclooctynes suggest that both intrinsic reaction kinetics and other properties such as solubility and tissue access govern the efficiency of copper-free click chemistry," Bertozzi says.
- There is however another cause which must have contributed to round the angles both of calcareous and siliceous fragments; and that is, their solubility in water; calcareous earth is perpetually found suspended in the waters which pass over it; and the earth of flints was observed by
- Individual drug-like properties are discussed from a practical point of view, such as solubility, permeability and metabolic stability, with regard to fundamental understanding, applications of property data in drug discovery and examples of structural modifications that have achieved improved property performance.
- The workshop also revealed industrial applications building on existing work, with Dr. Christopher Plummer from the Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne in Switzerland explaining that hyperbranched polymers were capable of being tuned to highly specific levels of key attributes such as solubility, miscibility (ability to mix), as well as viscosity.