IPA: sˈoʊmʌn
- (chemistry, military) The nerve gas O-pinacolyl methylphosphonofluoridate, used as a chemical weapon.
Examples of "soman" in Sentences
- The documents included literature on deadly gases such as saran gas, soman, tabum and a substance known as VX.
- Discovered in 1944, soman completed the evil trinity of G-agents, so-named for either Germany or Gerhard (Schrader).
- There is no indication that Libya has sarin, soman or other dispersible nerve agents that can cause death on contact.
- OP nerve agents, such as sarin gas, soman, tabun or VX, enter the blood stream via inhalation or absorption through the skin.
- These included such notorious chemical warfare agents as sarin, soman and tabun gases, all of which are still manufactured today. ...
- That's right, Pentagon leaders don't see the value next year in spending one thin dime to destroy or secure VX, soman, sarin, or lewisite/mustard nerve and blister agents from Russia or the former Soviet states.
- More than one million Iranians were exposed to chemical weapons, and 7,000 died immediately, Iranian officials say.107 At least 100,000 were “severely injured” by nerve agents like sarin and soman, and blistering agents like mustard gas.
- The deadliest organophosphate, soman, was isolated by Dr. Richard Kuhn, who won a Nobel Prize in chemistry for his work on carotene, a precursor of vitamin A. Kuhn's work on deadly chemicals came too late in the war for the Nazis to put his nerve gas into production.