
IPA: sˈʌmwʌn


  • A partially specified but unnamed person.
  • An important person.

Examples of "someone" in Sentences

  • I want someone in my life and that ­someone is Alex.
  • And someone told someone… and the chain of gossip began.
  • I mean *someone* posted the photos, so they either took it, or got it from someone else right?
  • I have a feeling that someone has all the email from both accounts, and they are right now in some sort of shady deal to sell the data to $someone (or perhaps to Palin herself).
  • And for a moment like that, to have the gift of sharing a piece of my soul with someone I may never see again ~someone I will never forget, well, I wouldn't trade a moment like that for anything in the world.
  • This is the kind of book that I would hint mightily to someone that I wanted for a birthday/holiday present, perhaps by saying, suggestively, that if I knew how to SEW, *someone* might get a handmade whatsis.
  • The problem with this new Twitter update is if you follow the White House on Twitter and the White House replies to someone directly, e.g. @someone blah blah blah, you won't see it unless you are also following @someone.
  • Eventually you could get someone to confess to *suicide* using sleep deprivation, and really any technique that you can use to get a false confession out of someone within reason, since obviously you can get a false confession out of *someone* using any technique, you know what I mean I think is, to me, torture.

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