
IPA: sʌmaɪt


  • (embryology) One of the paired masses of mesoderm distributed along the sides of the neural tube that will eventually become dermis, skeletal muscle, or vertebrae.
  • (anatomy) A metamere, one of a series of segments, arranged longitudinally, of which some animals are composed.

Examples of "somite" in Sentences

  • These two body segments are connected with a small waist called the pedicle or the pregenital somite.
  • The somite pattern in the fish embryo is much less complex than the segment pattern of the Drosophila larva.
  • When the wave of gene expression encounters a set of responsive cells, those cells are specified to become the next somite.
  • The genes affecting somite subdivision by the horizontal myoseptum might represent members of these signalling processes (Figure 5G).
  • In addition we have also demonstrated the physiological PNS potential of 8 weeks old NPs 7 days after implantation of the cells into the developing neural tube (NT) of 18-23 somite chick embryos in ovo.
  • Pdx-1 is expressed in the mouse primitive gut as early as the 13 somite stage (E8. 5), about a day before endocrine gene expression and 1.5 days before the first morphologic evidence of pancreas organogenesis.
  • The first segment, which is almost half-way down in the embryonic shield of the amniote, is the foremost of all; from this first somite is formed the first cervical vertebra with its muscles and skeletal parts.
  • The current study was carried out to test whether any of the five major signaling pathways are regulated by tbx16 during two specific stages of mesoderm development: primitive red blood cell formation in the intermediate mesoderm and somite formation in the tail paraxial mesoderm.

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