IPA: sˈɑmnˈæmbjʌɫɪzʌm
- sleepwalking
Examples of "somnambulism" in Sentences
- There is also a lighter phase than somnambulism, that is called fascination.
- Jon is calling somnambulism hypnosis while others have a wider definition of what hypnosis is.
- The worst phase of his somnambulism was the impending fears and terrible visions to which he was subjected.
- Yes, even one year ago a professor of medicine confessed to me, should I pronounce the word somnambulism I'd be ruined.
- I want to make certain I've got strong imaginative involvement usually characterized as somnambulism the bypass of the critical factor of the conscious mind so I will suggest it.
- As some folks take the root parts of the word somnambulism to be literally walking while one sleeps, they miss the historical context for why the word has been misapplied and is now generally accepted to mean something the roots have nothing to do with.