IPA: sˈoʊnɑr
- (nautical) echolocation
- (nautical) A device that uses hydrophones (in the same manner as radar) to locate objects underwater.
- Acronym of sound navigation and ranging.
Examples of "sonar" in Sentences
- Their echolocation sonar is far beyond our military science.
- It was detected about five years ago with sonar from a surface vessel.
- If your sonar is marking fish at 25 feet, for example, let out about 3.5 colors.
- The steam propulsion system are virtually silent and active sonar is the only option for detection.
- The Navy claims that training sailors to detect submarines using mid-frequency active sonar is crucial to military operations in the Pacific.
- Electric trolling motors have become extraordinarily sophisticated, with built-in sonar transducers, wireless remote controls, and improved mounting systems adding to both utility and price.
- "Effective use of active sonar is a vital and perishable skill set that must be continually practiced," he added, calling anti-submarine warfare the top priority for the U.S. Pacific Fleet Commander.
- Side-imaging sonar is getting most of the buzz in fishing electronics this season, and for good reason: For finding gamefish, baitfish, and likely structure, these units have no equal in the consumer market.