IPA: sˈɔnʌgræm
- a medical image produced by ultrasound echo
- a spectrogram
- To perform a sonogram upon.
Examples of "sonogram" in Sentences
- Why can't "sonogram" be added to my name on my list?
- "We have seen what I like to call the sonogram of the birth of the universe … but we haven't seen the actual birth.
- The most common screening test performed during pregnancy is ultrasound, which produces an image known as a sonogram.
- Apparently there have been some upgrades in sonogram technology over the years because that there looks like an actual little person.
- However, this effect would have very little to do with the additional hassle or expense of undergoing a sonogram, which is quick and inexpensive.
- The picture looks much like a "sonogram" that pregnant women have to see the out line of their baby and shows the location of faults that may contain geothermal fluids.
- There would then be a rover deployed to study the surface with my particle physics "sonogram" included I hope and an nuclear reactor "drill" probe dropped through the ice.
- Bills such as the one recently debated in Mississippi requiring that women seeking abortions be offered an opportunity to view a sonogram are also likely to be popular: the pro-life movement has discovered that viewing an ultrasound of the fetus early in pregnancy may change the way some parents think about abortion.