IPA: sˈuðɪŋ
- The act by which somebody is soothed.
- Tending to soothe.
- Giving relief.
- Freeing from fear or anxiety.
Examples of "soothing" in Sentences
- The very winds whispered in soothing accents, and maternal nature bade me weep no more.
- Instead of screaming and sweating, they smile broadly and speak in soothing, therapeutic terms.
- Mr. Davidson started to corroborate in soothing phrases, but was waved to silence by Dick, who continued:
- If you ever want to come over and hold our hand while telling us it will be okay in soothing, dulcet tones, that would be fine too.
- Via the USSC, the United States has played a valuable role in soothing some Israeli fears about Palestinian security forces, but more could be done on a broader scale.
- Globe and Mail personal finance writer Rob Carrick also warns that those who took on hefty debts should ignore what he calls the soothing message from Mr. Carney and use the time wisely.
- Peter gave Jack a nip now and again from the flask, and before we turned in in camp he gave him what he called a soothing draught from a little medicine chest that he carried in his saddle-bag.