IPA: suθsˈeɪɝ
- One who predicts the future, using magic, intuition or intelligence; a diviner.
- A mantis (Mantodea spp.)
- (obsolete) One who tells the truth; a truthful person.
- A double dart moth (Graphiphora augur).
Examples of "soothsayer" in Sentences
- The soothsayer predicted that a great calamity would befall the kingdom
- The villagers sought out the soothsayer for advice on how to appease the angry spirits
- Many people believed that the soothsayer had the gift of foresight and could see into the future
- The soothsayer's cryptic messages often left people bewildered and in awe of their mystical powers
- Despite the skepticism of some, the soothsayer's predictions always seemed to come true in the end