IPA: sˈɑfɝʌ
- Any of the genus Sophora of small trees and shrubs related to the pea.
Examples of "sophora" in Sentences
- My eye happened on a close-up of a sophora necklace.
- I clamped my yellow pencil between my teeth, bent over, picked up the sophora photo, and studied it.
- Without thinking about what I was doing, I clamped the photo to the edge of the easel and added the sophora bracelet to my sunset.
- The sophora bracelet seemed to rear over the horizon-line like the tentacle of a sea creature big enough to swallow a supertanker.
- It was as if, instead of clipping a photo of sophora, sea lavender, or inkberry to the side of my easel, I had clipped this very photograph.
- There was a fair amount of Florida Gulf Coast scattered on the hardwood floor of the entry: sand, small shells, a couple of sophora husks, and a few bits of dried sawgrass.
- As I entered the Garden, one morning in September, a goldfinch was calling so persistently and with such anxious emphasis from the large sophora tree that I turned my steps that way to ascertain what could be the trouble.
- The mobile outer dunes are sparsely vegetated with marram grass Ammophila arenaria, and camarina Corema album, with buckthorn-juniper Rhamno-Juniperetum macrocarpas communities The dry dunes inland have Rhamno-Juniperetum sophora communities.
- Ingredients include: Indigo naturalis (widely used as a natural flaky skin treatment), isatis tinctoria, psoralea fruit, coptis chinensis, phellodendron amurense, sophora flavescens (another commonly used herbal skin treatment) and centella asiatica (has been proven to promote healing).
- You see, I took photos of flowering kowhai trees sophora microphylla last week as evidence of spring in New Zealand, for yellow is one of the most striking colours of our spring - it sparkles against new green growth and dew drops, however cold the days might still be right up to the middle of the season.