IPA: sˈɑpɔrʌfɪk
- (pharmacology) Something inducing sleep, especially a drug.
- (figuratively) Something boring or dull.
- (pharmacology) Tending to induce sleep.
- (figuratively) Boring, dull.
Examples of "soporific" in Sentences
- The sound of rain on the roof had a soporific effect, lulling me into a peaceful slumber
- The soporific music playing in the waiting room nearly put me to sleep while I waited for my appointment
- The soporific effects of the medication made it difficult for me to stay awake during the boring lecture
- As the heat of the sun beat down on me, I felt a soporific wave of drowsiness wash over me
- The soporific rhythm of the train on the tracks had me drifting off into a deep, dreamless sleep