IPA: sˈɔrb
- The service tree, Sorbus domestica.
- Any of various related trees, including the wild service tree, S. torminalis, and the rowan, S. aucuparia.
- The fruit of any of these trees, especially of the service tree.
- A member of a Slavic people living in Lusatia in eastern Germany.
- (chemistry) To absorb or adsorb.
Examples of "sorb" in Sentences
- The sponge can sorb up to three times its weight in liquid
- This dessert is best enjoyed when you sorb the sweet, tangy flavors slowly
- The fabric of this shirt is designed to sorb moisture quickly, keeping you dry all day
- The roots of the plant are able to sorb nutrients from the soil efficiently
- Be sure to sorb the information in the presentation, as there will be a quiz later