
IPA: sˈɔrɫi


  • In a sore or desperate manner.

Examples of "sorely" in Sentences

  • What is it in Jesus Christ that calls the sorely-tempted one to Him?
  • The 'RINO arguments', as you put it is once again sorely misrepresented in you statement.
  • Haiti will never become anything unless they get education ... a word sorely missing from this "news" story.
  • When every state is slashing social programs for the most vulnerable, this is a welcome, but sorely inadequate, assistance.
  • The entire thing angers me enough that I remain sorely tempted to give the whole thing up and make it somebody else’s problem.
  • Mr. Doherty contends that what we "sorely" need as a nation is Ayn Rand's "consistent, passionate, and even heroic defense of American freedom."
  • In a 1919 study written by Harvard economics professor Robert F. Foerster, Italian immigrants were found to be sorely lacking the American work ethic.
  • "Oh, Teddy!" cries she, suddenly, covering her face with her hands, "at times, when I see certain flowers or hear some music connected with the olden days, my heart dies within me, -- I lose all hope; and then I miss you sorely, -- _sorely_."
  • She knows that I came besides my business with Mr Austin, partly to try the pulse of the parties here about the reception of two Girls instead of one, and I find that Betsey Mothersole has been at home during their holidays and is going to day to school again sorely against her will.

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