
IPA: sˈɑroʊfʌɫnʌs


  • The quality or state of sorrow; sadness.

Examples of "sorrowfulness" in Sentences

  • When she looked around it was with a sorrowfulness as of farewell.
  • _There the idiot sat_, portrait in hand, encountering me with a look of unutterable sorrowfulness.
  • The flute-like sorrowfulness of the organ thrills through my blood; my nerves vibrate in responsive echo.
  • And from the bed arose a wail more terrible in its utter, eternal sorrowfulness than had ever fallen upon the ears of those present.
  • For thus dost Thou, O Lord God, who lovest souls far more purely than we, and hast more incorruptibly pity on them, yet are wounded with no sorrowfulness.
  • The old street -- the portion of it which remains -- looks with a dazed and dirty sorrowfulness up the broad, clean avenue which once was dirty and narrow like itself.
  • The holy Patriarch had so tender a love for his brethren, that he could not bear that a shade of sorrowfulness should pass over their minds, lest they should lose their spiritual joy.
  • The next section is one long wail over the contradictions, the mysteries, the dark end, the infinite sorrowfulness of all existence, and the arcanum of grief which, Luther said, underlies all life.
  • I suppose we were then led to the sacrifice at the several side altars, but I have no specific recollection of them; I know there was a pale, sick-looking young girl in white who went about with her father, and moved compassion by her gentle sorrowfulness.

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