
IPA: sˈɔt


  • being searched for
  • that is looked for

Examples of "sought" in Sentences

  • The judge said when Butler was convicted that he probably wouldn't impose the term sought by prosecutors.
  • Rajaratnam's lawyers had asked for a sentence below the term sought by the government, one that was "fair, dispassionate and proportionate."
  • The best thing that can be said is that if the term sought is not sophisticated in nature you may find a satisfactory definition in this book.
  • They said the federal guideline range overstated the seriousness of Rajaratnam's crimes, and called the term sought by the U.S. "grotesquely severe."
  • Have you not sought Him often; —sought Him in vain, all through the night; —sought Him in vain at the gate of that old garden where the fiery sword is set?
  • The five-year declaration alone, the Board observed, has been consistently held to be insufficient when the term sought to be registered is highly descriptive.
  • This process ensured that 90-95% of all the acts that recorded the early hip hop records had the art of the stage show down to a science by the time a label sought them out or signed them.
  • The proponents of the term sought to create a neutral term to include every citizen in the country, very much the same way "British" or "the UK" accommodates the identities of the English, the Scottish, Welsh and others.

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