IPA: sˈaʊndɝ
- Something or someone who makes a sound.
- An instrument used in telegraphy in place of a register, the communications being read by sound.
- (medicine, dated, plural only) A stethoscope.
- (nautical) A device for making soundings at sea.
- (nautical) A person who takes soundings.
- (fishing) A fishfinder.
- A group of wild boar.
- A young boar.
Examples of "sounder" in Sentences
- The sounder of whales could be heard from miles away as they communicated with each other
- The sounder of wild boar rummaged through the forest, searching for food
- The sounder of thunder grew louder and louder as the storm approached
- The sounder of footsteps on the pavement signaled the approach of a group of joggers
- The sounder of keys jingling in the lock announced the arrival of the homeowner