IPA: sˈaʊndnʌs
- (uncountable) The state or quality of being sound.
- (countable) The result or product of being sound.
- (logic) The property (of an argument) of not only being valid, but also of having true premises.
- (logic) The property of a logical theory that whenever a wff is a theorem then it must also be valid. Symbolically, letting T represent a theory within logic L, this can be represented as the property that whenever T⊢ϕ is true, then T⊨ϕ must also be true, for any wff φ of logic L.
Examples of "soundness" in Sentences
- The soundness of her argument was evident in the way she presented her evidence and logic
- The soundness of the building's structure was ensured by thorough inspections and quality materials
- His decision to invest in the company was based on the soundness of their financial projections
- The soundness of her advice was proven when her friend followed it and saw positive results
- The soundness of his reasoning was validated by the success of his strategy in the long run