IPA: saʊθˈistɝɫi
- A strong wind or storm from the southeast.
- situated in, or pointing to, the southeast
- (chiefly of a wind) coming from the southeast
- From the southeast.
Examples of "southeasterly" in Sentences
- The bombers possessed an invincible ally in the form of stiff southeasterly winds that whipped and whirled burning embers from one neighborhood to another.
- A full moon and strong southeasterly winds have also prompted a coastal flood watch along the low-lying communities perched on the fingertips of marshy bayous.
- The NTSB was able to track the route on three previous flights piloted by Smith and each one took a southeasterly route through a wide valley between mountains.
- A "jugo" is a southeasterly wind on the Adriatic, but Zastava realized that "Jugo" might be pronounced jug-o in America, and it means "juice" in Spanish, so the J was changed to a Y.
- The dry season, caused by the Humboldt current, is characterized by cool temperatures (17°C-22°C), a fairly persistent fog (garua) that envelopes the highlands of the larger islands in mist and drizzle, together with southeasterly winds.
- So they sailed round the Cape, calling the southeasterly extremity "Point Cave," till they came to an island which they named Martha's Vineyard (now called No Man's Land), and another on which they dwelt awhile, which they named Elizabeth's Island, in honor of the queen, one of the group since so called, now known by its Indian name Cuttyhunk.