
IPA: saʊθˈistɝn


  • Of or pertaining to the southeast.

Examples of "southeastern" in Sentences

  • A new Bigfoot society has started up in southeastern Ohio.
  • LONDON mdash; A landmark pier in southeastern England that once hosted a Rolling Stones concert was virtually destroyed in a fire Tuesday, probably marking an ...
  • In one of the cases, nine suspected Islamic militants were detained in southeastern Marseille and its suburbs, and authorities turned up at least one automatic rifle and a pump gun, the officials said.
  • LONDON — A landmark pier in southeastern England that once hosted a Rolling Stones concert was virtually destroyed in a fire Tuesday, probably marking an end to local hopes of preserving the 19th-century structure.
  • The Municipio of Champotón in southeastern Campeche contained 1,567 of the 1,896 Kanjobal-speakers in Campeche, but even in this municipio, they still only represented the second largest linguistic group (after the Maya).
  • Moreover, there is compelling evidence that Venezuela's government and banks, with the help of the Ahmadinejad government and Iranian shell companies, are providing Iran with uranium mined in southeastern Venezuela -- which, if true, would be a blatant violation of UN Security Council Resolution 1929 prohibiting Iranian engagement in "uranium mining, production or use of nuclear materials and technology."

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