
IPA: sˈʌðɝnʌs


  • the state or quality of being southern

Examples of "southernness" in Sentences

  • I think there's still a southernness, whatever that means.
  • Our southernness has lent a hand to many a literary devices.
  • She did a little background check on "southernness" which turned up this jewel by Jerry Leath Mills.
  • Is there still a southernness to Wachovia, a southerness to the business in North Carolina in the region?
  • To be honest, though, I've never felt Edwards was particularly sincere, even in 2004, but it may just be his southernness.
  • I had completely eradicated it from my speech but when I moved home, I guess I just inhaled all of this southernness and it just comes out!
  • (In the very same story southernness is seen as the less naive stance: a look, a mask of "life-is-a-dream irony, which could turn to pure challenge at the drop of a hat.")
  • y'all: contraction of "you all," a more musical, streamlined, unisyllabic take on the 2nd person plural than the northern phonetic catastrophe "you'ze guys." but y'all is a sadly misunderstood contraction, all too often torturously overused in fictional settings wherein "southernness" must be conveyed. in fact, y'all is rather more complicated than a mere drawling exercise in vowel manipulation, and only an ignorant yankee would treat it as such.

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synonyms for southernnessdescribing words for southernness

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