IPA: suvɫʌkˈiʌ
- made of lamb
Examples of "souvlakia" in Sentences
- I have heard lots of good things about Peters souvlakia:D
- I went back to George's to try the beef souvlakia, $11.95.
- I got the chicken souvlakia, $11.95 with rice and steamed veggies.
- I've had swordfish in Greece and loved it, and think it would be lovely with these souvlakia.
- Αληθώς Ανέστη, Halibut souvlakia sounds wonderful, maybe can try this with sword fish and salmon.
- If you think gyros, souvlakia, and baklava are all there is to Greek food, you'll be amazed at the variety and quality of food on the menu at Mourayo.
- This weekend, ethnic churches from Belmont, Calif., to Boston will showcase their Polish pierogi and Portuguese caldo verde, their Italian pizzelle and Greek souvlakia.
- This weekend, ethnic churches from Belmont, Calif., to Boston will showcase their Polish pierogi and Portuguese caldo verde, their Italian pizzelle and Greek souvlakia. ...