
IPA: sˈoʊviʌt


  • (historical) A workers' council, an institution first formed during the 1905 Russian Revolution and then instituted as the main form of communist government at all levels in the Soviet Union; by extension, a similar organization in early Chinese communism and elsewhere.
  • A citizen of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
  • Alternative letter-case form of soviet (“workers' council”) [(historical) A workers' council, an institution first formed during the 1905 Russian Revolution and then instituted as the main form of communist government at all levels in the Soviet Union; by extension, a similar organization in early Chinese communism and elsewhere.]


  • Pertaining to or resembling a soviet (council).
  • (history, not comparable) Pertaining to the Soviet Union or its constituent republics.
  • Supporting or representing the Soviet Union or Sovietism; Sovietist.
  • Alternative letter-case form of Soviet (pertaining to the Soviet Union) [(history, not comparable) Pertaining to the Soviet Union or its constituent republics.]

Examples of "soviet" in Sentences

  • Watanabex says: in soviet russia the smurfs were snorks too
  • Nominus says: in soviet russia, the roflcopter laughs at you?
  • Watanabex says: in soviet russia evolution dont believe in you!
  • The word soviet from the Soviet Union, means 'workers council'.
  • Watanabex says: in soviet russia Burr Steers uses Lenin as a hand puppet to teach the childrens the evilness of capitalizm
  • Watanabex says: in soviet mexico, return of the jedi is called the revenge of the jedi so we be better than you although last night at soccer we tied at 2 -2
  • I can’t imagine a rightwing-nut borderline racist pysco NOT taking the oppertunity to tell us poor Canadians in soviet Canuckistan how to live given the chance!
  • Duranty claimed the Siberian labor camps were a means of giving individuals a chance to re-join soviet society but also said that for those who could not accept the system, "the final fate of such enemies is death.".
  • Well I see so many americans are getting excited to get promised handouts from bo, you are so entilted and have rights to get it all now, just extend a hand and goverment will give it to you just as it was done in soviet union poland czekoslovakia, korea and so on. politics of envy never produced anything good, just look at soviet block or read some history books. they had free healthcare, nationalized banks, industry and farming but ofcourse this is america and nothing like that can happen here, right? wrong just wait and see jh
  • The classical anarchist thinkers, envisaging the future organisation of society, thought in terms of two kinds of social institution: as the territorial unit, the commune, a French word which you might consider as the equivalent of the word 'parish' or the Russian word 'soviet' in its original meaning, but which also has overtones of the ancient village institutions for cultivating the land in common; and the syndicate, another French word from trade union terminology, the syndicate or workers 'council as the unit of industrial organisation.

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