
IPA: spˈeɪʃʌsnʌs


  • The state or quality of being spacious.

Examples of "spaciousness" in Sentences

  • For Hartman, as objective space collapses, subjective "spaciousness" remains potent.
  • There’s a certain spaciousness, some peace of mind, and on a good day, pretty spectacular views.
  • We should recognize more firmly its achievements and its relation to a certain spaciousness, especially that of a shrinking rural world.
  • Another new and unique feature of WI-Verb DS is a "spaciousness" parameter, which delivers a surround-like experience at high settings and distinct stereo imaging at low ones.
  • He didn't marry at once, as so many returning soldiers did; instead he was wedded to a vision of freedom, freedom of opinion, of spirit, worship -- any kind of spaciousness whatever.
  • The "spaciousness" of the interior has given room, if not for an impartial representation, at least for a reminder of all the styles of architecture to which the XVII century was heir.
  • In other cities on this continent, the argument apparently is, "We have plenty of room, spaciousness is desirable on our own account, there is no earthly reason for our running up to heaven, therefore let us build sky scrapers."
  • It is perhaps partly also due to what one of the reviewers of my former volume well called the greater "spaciousness" of the English novel, that is to say, its inclusion of more diverse aims, and episodic subjects, and minor interests generally.
  • But, next to the lantern, the most striking thing in the interior of Coutances is certainly the sweep of the eastern aisles and chapels, where the interlacing aisles and pillars produce an effect of spaciousness which is not to be found in the main portions of the church.

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