IPA: spˈeɪdfʊt
- Any member of several groups of burrowing toads, with a spadelike appendage on the hind legs.
- Scaphiopodidae spp. (American spadefoot toads)
- Borneophrys (Edwardina's spadefoot toads)
- Pelobates (European spadefoot toads)
- Notaden (Australian spadefoots)
Examples of "spadefoot" in Sentences
- The spadefoot toad is known for its distinctive digging habits, using its specialized feet to burrow deep into the ground
- The spadefoot frog will emerge from its underground burrow during rainy nights to breed in temporary pools of water
- The spadefoot salamander has a unique shovel-like protrusion on its hind feet that helps it dig through soil and sand
- The spadefoot newt is an elusive amphibian that spends most of its life underground, only venturing to the surface to feed and mate
- The spadefoot mole is a small mammal with sharp claws on its front feet, allowing it to tunnel through the earth in search of insects and worms