
IPA: spˈɛrnʌs


  • (uncountable) The state or quality of being spare.
  • (countable, rare) The result or product of being spare.

Examples of "spareness" in Sentences

  • The spareness of the set contributes to this feeling of inertness.
  • And where some perfumers sought opulence, others pursued spareness and simplicity.
  • It has a clean, almost apothecary spareness, with lots of sharp angles and galvanized steel and slate.
  • He was rather undersized, as Chinese go, and the Chinese narrow shoulders and spareness of flesh were his.
  • But Barbara Vine has a classy spareness to her writing, and an unerring instinct for the place where festering emotions turn pathological.
  • RestaurantTHE MODERN: For a new dining room overlooking the sculpture garden of New York's Museum of Modern Art, the firm of Bentel & Bentel had to meet restaurateur Danny Meyer's seemingly irreconcilable demand for both "spareness" and "warmth."
  • I can see the shape of the wind on the water. [italics mine] Anyone who can write sentences like those italicised above, deceptively simple, or glancingly suggest that we're not so very different from those titmice, as well as set mood, scene, and theme with such spareness, is a seriously good writer.

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