
IPA: spˈɑrsɫi


  • In a scattered or sparse manner; widely apart; thinly.

Examples of "sparsely" in Sentences

  • And they've had the most success in sparsely-populated areas.
  • I think that one of the reasons why sex workers typically live at brothels while they work there is because they are way out in sparsely populated areas, so people come in from other places to work.
  • More than 2,000 debris fields, as well as human remains, were found in sparsely populated areas southeast of Dallas from Nacogdoches in East Texas, where a lot of debris fell, to western Louisiana and the southwestern counties of Arkansas.
  • Ask yourself, If it is politically impossible to build wind machines on unfarmable land in sparsely populated rural Kansas, how will we be able to build nuclear power plants anywhere? or coal to gasoline plants, or liquid natural gas plants?
  • He discussions certain sparsely settled areas (the Highlands of Scotland, for example) as requiring less division of labor than more densely settled areas, and argues that this will slow down the development of manufacture, which makes a great deal of sense.
  • The craft would hit an altitude of about 325,000 feet — or almost 62 miles — before descending and restarting its engine for a "precision vertical powered landing on the landing pad" in sparsely populated Culberson County, about 125 miles east of El Paso.
  • They are located throughout the state, some in sparsely populated areas — to connect them with a single meandering high speed line would be stupid (let me hasten to say that DTM does not propose this — the rail service DTM proposes serves only select parts of the state, I suppose).
  • Because of their small numbers - a few hundred - and their remoteness in sparsely inhabited fringes of the Sahara, the far-flung combatants were long regarded as a less potent threat than the main al-Qaeda units inside Algeria, and far less worrisome than Pakistan - and Afghanistan-based militants more directly tied to bin Laden.

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