
IPA: spɑrtˈinʌ


  • cordgrass (Spartina).

Examples of "spartina" in Sentences

  • Cattle grazed on the abundant spartina cordgrasses native to the saltwater meadows.
  • On both sides, spartina and needlerush arrowed from sparkling amber toward an immaculate blue sky.
  • The roots of spartina grass help hold the marsh soil and provide a footing for oysters and ribbed mussels.
  • The dominant plant species in coastal Louisiana is the spartina, better known as smooth cordgrass or salt-marsh cordgrass.
  • A soft, warm breeze rustled the sea oats and gracefully swayed the spartina grass, making ripples in the still waters that stretched in a half-moon around them.
  • Van Heerden's assessment team showed me around Casse-tete Island in Timbalier Bay, where new shoots of spartina grasses were sprouting in oiled marshes, and new leaves were growing on the first black mangroves I had ever seen that were actually black.
  • The narrow wooden jetty behind the Inn stretched at least a hundred feet out into the sparkling inlet, past the shallows where the spartina and sea oats swayed near the shore and out into deeper water where you could tie up a boat or do some fishing if you were so inclined.

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