
IPA: spˈætɝdʌk


  • A water lily of species Nuphar advena, of temperate eastern North America.

Examples of "spatterdock" in Sentences

  • Deeper marshes and ponds may contain duckweed (Lemna minor) and spatterdock.
  • Northern cricket frogs can be found resting on algal mats or leaves of spatterdock.
  • The tidal marshes are dominated by narrowleaf cattail, wild rice, spatterdock and pickerelweed.
  • Tidal wetland species include wild rice, pickerel weed, spatterdock, rose mallow and phragmites.
  • The water in the broad patches of spatterdock where we fished was 3 to 4 feet deep with a sandy bottom — prime spawning territory for crappies.
  • Flora: Freshwater tidal marshes at Tivoli North Bay are dominated by narrowleaf cattail, spatterdock and invading purple loosestrife and common reed.
  • Once there, I saw that getting into position to make a cast required wading out about 30 feet through cattails, spatterdock, hydrilla, and God knows what else.
  • The same long-rod set-up has also worked well in “dipping” a minnow or jig for crappies amid thick spatterdock weeds or tangled brush where casting and retrieving would be impossible.
  • The shallow water in front of the marsh proper consists of rooted aquatics, such as water milfoil and wild celery, while broad leafed vegetation, such as arrow-arum, spatterdock, and pickerel weed, predominate in the regularly flooded portions of the marsh.

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