
IPA: spˈeɪ


  • The act of spaying an animal.
  • Rare spelling of spayard. [(obsolete) The hart in its third year; a young deer]


  • (transitive) To remove or destroy the ovaries and/or uterus (of a female animal) so that she cannot become pregnant.
  • Alternative form of spae (to foretell or divine) [(Scotland) To divine; foretell]

Examples of "spay" in Sentences

  • Enforced spay/neuter laws reduced unwanted litters …
  • Because a spay is an intra-abdominal procedure (we have to go inside the delicate abdomen), it's more complicated.
  • Some shelters are opting for late-term spay -- to abort the entire litter -- so they don't have to euthanize them.
  • Since we also have a third, female cat, I looked up "spay," and it said "enlever les ovaires de," which seems a bit long.
  • Its cat facilities still get overwhelmed by local cats and kittens, though (no leash laws and enforced spay/neuter laws for cats in Massachusetts).
  • … People in the New England states say stricter leash laws, harsher winters and spay/neuter laws make it difficult to find an average mutt to make a good pet.
  • She and I had a really good conversation about the pros and cons of the various options (doing nothing, going back on the pill, removing various individual bits of plumbing, or the full "spay").
  • The ASPCA is in all five boroughs every single day with our mobile clinics, trying to save animals by providing free and low-cost spay/neuter surgeries to more than 30,000 cats and dogs every year.
  • When celebrities lend their name and likeness to a worthy cause such as spay and neuter campaigns or animal welfare legislation, they bring awareness to the general public and hopefully, inspire people to get involved and volunteer at their local shelter.

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