IPA: spˈɛʃʌɫʌst
- Someone who is an expert in, or devoted to, some specific branch of study or research.
- (medicine) A physician whose practice is limited to a particular branch of medicine or surgery.
- (US, military) Any of several non-commissioned ranks corresponding to that of corporal.
- An organism that is specialized for a particular environment.
- A stenotopic species.
- (Britain) Specialised, involving detailed knowledge of a restricted topic.
Examples of "specialist" in Sentences
- I had to make an appointment with a specialist in order to address my health concerns
- The company hired a specialist to handle the complex financial matters
- As a specialist in pediatric dentistry, Dr. Smith has a gentle touch with young patients
- The specialist in rare gemstones was able to identify the valuable stone at first glance
- The IT specialist was able to fix the computer issue in record time, impressing the entire office