
IPA: spˈɛʃʌɫˈɪstɪk


  • (dated) Specialist, specialized.

Examples of "specialistic" in Sentences

  • CONTACT; ANGEL GONZALEZ querubin1764@yahoo.com specialistic exporter
  • The subject-matter of the volumes often gives rise to specialistic collections.
  • So they will not go into consulting or into specialistic areas which they cannot make high volume.
  • From 1997, specialistic they warned to the authorities of the dangers of earth sliding in the zone of the shore of Chapala.
  • As for the research itself, he said its bearings are not exclusively specialistic, but touch the foundation of various branches of science.
  • Your Committee recommends that the scope of instruction in the above subjects shall be such as shall give a good general knowledge of each, reserving the rigid requirements of specialistic training for the higher M.A. degree.
  • Mrs. Maginnis, you know, is strung away up above concert-pitch, and this melancholy encouragement threw her into despair, and came near to making her a fit patient for the doctor's specialistic attentions in a private retreat.
  • Several interesting specialistic collections of leather bottles and drinking vessels have been got together, showing the varied forms of the almost imperishable vessels, so suitable as liquor carriers and drinking cups in olden time.
  • Aside from purely scientific and specialistic publications those intended for public perusal of all grades of literacy and intelligence may be classified as history, biography, travel, _belles-lettres_ (including art, criticism, and poetry), and fiction.
  • The tyranny of the specialistic oligarchy is making itself felt to-day, and I should like to fortify the revolutionary spirit of liberty, whose boast it is to detest tyranny in all its forms, whether it is the tyranny of an enlightened despot, or the tyranny of a virtuous oligarchy, or the tyranny of an intelligent democracy.

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