
IPA: spˈɛʃʌɫi


  • For a special purpose, person, or occasion.
  • (proscribed) extremely
  • (proscribed) in particular

Examples of "specially" in Sentences

  • This is what I call the specially British form of [135] Quietism, or
  • More specifically, the company grows genetically engineered microorganisms in specially designed bioreactors.
  • Most Dutch artists also created small paintings, often on copper plates for display in specially designed art cabinets.
  • I deserved such a distinction personally, for my own sake, and I was always wishing that my august friend would create a title specially in my favour.
  • First on my must-visit list was Fanfare/Ponent Mon, where I was able to pick up the second volume of A Distant Neighborhood, sent in specially to debut at the show.
  • Those arrested are to be held in specially-constructed prison camps until such time as the required laws can be enacted to reintroduce capital punishment for Sedition, Treason and Saying Nasty Things About Gordon.
  • If all the black folks, be them specially from the south have no sense of what their peers went thru and still are, then I suggest they watch the movie, "Shinandoa" (hope I spelled it correctly) they would not be even close to be republicans, namely Michael Steel, the RCC. "republican commitee chairman", Ron Christie, republican analyst, and many other black men that are affilieated to their salve masters, if beyond comprehension.

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