
IPA: spˈɛsʌfaɪd


  • Thoroughly explained.

Examples of "specified" in Sentences

  • The license granted to Planned Parenthood is good for a year, the term specified by law.
  • The month of December had nearly passed away: the famine became extreme, and there was no hope of any favorable event within the term specified in the capitulation.
  • A form of tenancy that assures the landlord right to repossess the property at the end of the term specified in the tenancy agreement, which can be for any length of time.
  • Trethewey pleaded guilty to first-degree child molestation in October before a juvenile court judge and subsequently was sentenced to the term specified in a plea agreement.
  • Rosecrans, to be put by him beyond our military lines; and in case of his return within our lines, he be arrested and kept in close custody for the term specified in his sentence.
  • For the execution of that part which preserved in force, for the Government of the inhabitants for the term specified, all the civil, military, and judicial powers exercised by the existing Government of those Provinces an adequate number of officers, as was presumed, were appointed, and ordered to their respective stations.
  • Three days later (May 19th) the President commuted the sentence by directing that Mr. Vallandigham be sent "under secure guard, to the headquarters of General Rosecrans, to be put by him beyond our military lines, and that in case of his return within our line, he be arrested and kept in close custody for the term specified in his sentence."

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