
IPA: spˈiʃʌsɫi


  • In a specious manner; fallaciously and erroneously, but seeming superficially to be correct.
  • (malapropism) Specially.

Examples of "speciously" in Sentences

  • The American asks me what I do for a living, and I say, speciously, that I write about art, mostly younger artists.
  • He calls speciously by the mildest of names the birth of the soul that has come from elsewhere a living in a strange country.
  • Brown and Clegg at least aver that the Treaty is in the UK's interest and can thus, however speciously, justify their disgraceful conduct.
  • Lionel Tiger may know his ground-living apes, but their monkey-see/monkey-do he speciously and simplistically applies to the Facebook phenomenon "Zuckerberg: The World's Richest Primatologist," op-ed, Feb. 6.
  • A right-wing think tank that questions the reality of climate change is speciously claiming that a study of gasoline taxes in South Carolina and New York is an honest analysis of a greenhouse pollution plan in the Rocky Mountain states.
  • At the same time, the report appears crafted to prevent articulate Palestinian critics of Israeli policy like Ali Abunimah from gaining mainstream traction, speciously and scandalously conflating them with neo-Nazi street thugs and Holocaust deniers.
  • Despite the well-established fact that al-Qaida attacked the United States because of its grievances against the U.S. for its intervention in the Middle East and support for Israel, and not due to jealousy or hate of freedom, or tolerance, patience, multiculturalism, civil rights, or political correctness, right-wing ideologues speciously pinned the blame on liberalism and Islam.

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