
IPA: spɛktrˈɑmʌtɝ


  • (analytical chemistry) An optical instrument for measuring the absorption of light by chemical substances; typically it will plot a graph of absorption versus wavelength or frequency, and the patterns produced are used to identify the substances present, and their internal structure.

Examples of "spectrometer" in Sentences

  • At the heart of the spectrometer is a 3-foot, doughnut-shaped magnet.
  • Sitting on the shelf opposite the spectrometer was a three-inch binder of red vinyl.
  • He does chemical analysis on athletes using an ICP spectrometer, which is used in a variety of fields.
  • The spectrometer is a large particle physics experiment package that is expected to shed light on the nature and evolution of the universe.
  • One of the things they use to help analyze this is something we call the spectrometer and what this basically does is measures wavelengths of light.
  • Hi clament, the water is detected by a device called a spectrometer google this for more information, one of astronomy's best tools and shown on the graphs below the picture.
  • That afternoon I was ferried to the mountaintop and introduced to the telescopes and the spectrometer, which is affixed to the base of the big mirror like an oversize parasite to its host.
  • Chamitoff said Endeavour was the first shuttle to bring a piece of the space station into space, and now it is going to carry up the spectrometer, which is the station's final major piece of external hardware.

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