IPA: spɛktrˈɑskʌpɪk
- (analytical chemistry) Of or relating to spectroscopy or to a spectroscope.
Examples of "spectroscopic" in Sentences
- Karlik worked with them as experts in spectroscopic analyses.
- Professor R.B. Frost, eminent in spectroscopic work, is the Director of this great observatory.
- The program will also lead to the identification of new, close binaries that will be targets of long term spectroscopic and high angular resolution observations to determine their masses and distances.
- In 1933, with the support of a grant from the Rockefeller Foundation, Karlik and Hernegger acquired a glass spectrograph of high light-gathering power. 42 Expert in spectroscopic measurements due to her earlier work with Przibram and Herbert Haberlandt, Karlik joined by Hernegger, photographed the characteristic band-spectra due to uranium fluorescence and then compared those with spectra of known uranium content. 43 Supported by a stipendium from the Austrian ministry of education, Karlik performed the first experiments in Bornö in the summer of 1935 and she moved some samples to Vienna the following fall. 44 28
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