IPA: spˈɛkjʌɫɝ
- Pertaining to mirrors; mirror-like, reflective.
- (medicine) Of or relating to a speculum; conducted with the aid of a speculum.
- Assisting sight, like a lens etc.
- (poetic) Offering an expansive view; picturesque.
Examples of "specular" in Sentences
- The car's shiny, specular surface reflected the sunlight brilliantly
- The artist used a new technique to create a specular effect on the painting, making it appear almost lifelike
- The scientist studied the specular reflection of light on different surfaces to understand how brightness is affected
- The jewelry was made from a special material that gave it a specular gleam, making it stand out in the display case
- The movie scene was filmed with a specular lighting setup to create a glamorous and dazzling effect on the actors' faces
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