IPA: spˈɛkjʌɫʌm
- (medicine) A medical instrument used during an examination to dilate an orifice.
- A mirror, especially one used in a telescope.
- (ornithology) A bright, lustrous patch of colour found on the wings of ducks and some other birds, usually situated on the distal portions of the secondary quills, and much more brilliant in the adult male than in the female.
- A lookout place.
Examples of "speculum" in Sentences
- The doctor used a speculum during the pelvic exam to help with the examination
- The speculum allowed for a better view of the patient's internal anatomy
- The speculum can be uncomfortable for some patients, but it is an important tool for gynecological exams
- The speculum was carefully sterilized before each use to ensure patients' safety
- Some women find the cold metal of the speculum to be a bit jarring during their appointments