IPA: spˈitʃmeɪkɝ
- One who makes a speech.
Examples of "speechmaker" in Sentences
- She is the only candidate that has any substance – Obama is just another speechmaker.
- Like many of us, their view of what our speechmaker represents was quite different weeks after the election.
- She takes his inspiring rhetoric and says he's just being a "speechmaker;" he takes her experience and transforms it into "same old politics."
- A naive speechmaker with a mantra, or an experienced, intelligent, savvy politico who knows her way around the White House from inside and out?
- Roth gives the best lines in valediction to a pro-war speechmaker, the unpolished Republican pol Albin Lentz, who is the president of Winesburg College.
- Mr. Obama is a great speechmaker and sure is charasmatic but bottom line he does not have the necessary experience to hold the highest office in our land.
- Always comfortable with being shocking over dinner, during the war he was a nervous and reluctant speechmaker, who needed a stiff drink to get him onto the platform.
- The charismatic, media savvy, photogenic, rousing speechmaker and overpromising candidate who acts like he or she can lead the country through the force of ideas and talents is not what we should be seeking.
- Like the handwritten scripts from his days as a radio commentator in the 1970s — published in Reagan, In His Own Hand in 2001 —The Notes displays the effort he made behind the scenes to hone his performance as a speechmaker and storyteller driving home a conservative political philosophy.